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Click on this picture to learn about The Beat Museum located in San Francisco.



Our Mission:

Mission Statement

The Beat Generation was a collection of writers, artists and social activists who supported each other’s works through their friendship with one another. Their main themes were inclusiveness, tolerance, compassion and having the courage to live your own individual truth.

The mission of the Beat Museum, located in San Francisco, is to spread the spirit of the Beat Generation along with the themes they embodied. The Beat Museum on Wheels was born out of a desire to expand the reach of the Beat Museum by taking the story of the Beats “On The Road” directly to the people. We do this with a multimedia show that incorporates video, slides, poetry readings, music and storytelling.

The point of this effort is to encourage people, especially young people, to use their gifts. We want to help keep alive and promulgate a spirit and an attitude that shows young people that one person can make a difference. We want to encourage people who love to sing but are afraid to sing to SING! We want to encourage someone who has an interest in architecture to design and to build. We want to use the story of the Beats to encourage people to pursue their passions.

The Beat Museum
540 Broadway (at Columbus)
San Francisco, CA 94133

For more information about The Beat Museum On Wheels click here